Microsoft ads

Expand your advertising reach with Microsoft Ads

Microsoft Ads (formerly Bing Ads) gives your business access to valuable audiences that can be harder to reach on Google.

Microsoft ads

Get access to search traffic beyond the Google ecosystem

Running Microsoft Ads can help your business reach new audiences and get more leads and sales for your products/services.

Capture additional search traffic

Don’t miss out on valuable search traffic. Microsoft Ads can help you capture additional searches for your products and services that originate on the Microsoft search network.

Reach an older demographic

According to research, the typical user on Microsoft's search engine is over the age of 35 (most commonly between 55 and 64), has a higher disposable income, and is more likely to make a purchase when searching.

Simple to get started

Starting Microsoft Ads can be easy as importing an already successful Google Ads campaign! Importing an actively running campaign serves as a baseline for success moving forward.

Expand your reach

Get more leads with cheaper costs per click (CPCs)

On average, CPCs are cheaper in the Microsoft Ads ecosystem when compared with the Google Ads ecosystem – meaning more leads and sales within your budget.

Why Microsoft Ads?

  • Additional search traffic
  • Lower CPCs
  • Higher disposable income
  • Older demographic

why us?

You deserve an agency that believes in world class customer service

Transparent ROI and world class customer service are among our core values. At Click Control Marketing, the success of your campaigns is important to us.

Ryan Glumm of Click Control Marketing working on Mac laptop.

The process

Get started with Microsoft Ads in 5 easy steps

Over the years we’ve boiled our process into 5 simple steps – that way you can start getting more leads and sales faster than ever before.

Step 1

Reach out

Start the process today by reaching out. Submit a quick and easy contact form, or give us a call.

Step 2

Discovery call

After you reach out to our team, our marketing director and head of paid media will set up a discovery call to learn more about your business goals and strategy.

Step 3


After learning the ins and outs of your business, our paid media team will create a plan to help you succeed with Microsoft Ads and send it over in a proposal.

Step 4


Once you approve the proposal and fill out our onboarding form, our paid search specialists will review your goals and build your new campaigns.

Step 5

More leads & sales

With your campaigns running, our paid search specialists will keep your account optimized to make sure you’re getting the best results possible.


A paid search marketing team you can trust

our services

Digital marketing services for all of your business needs

Take the guesswork out of great marketing. It’s time for ROI-focused marketing solutions that fit your unique business needs.

Place your products and services in front of potential customers that are ready to take action.

Catch and keep your audience’s attention with gorgeous, custom graphic design.

Reach your business goals with a well-defined, comprehensive marketing strategy.

Move the needle for your business with social media management that engages your target audience.

Turn website visitors into new leads and sales. Connect your marketing strategy with a website.

Great copy grabs the attention of your customers and demonstrates the value of your products and services.

Unlock the door to increased brand awareness and high-converting audiences.

Sell your products online with an e-commerce website that drives purchases with ease.

Get more leads and sales by increasing your organic search traffic on Google with SEO.

Expand your advertising reach with Microsoft

Reach out to our team today.
Let’s start the conversation about your advertising needs.


(810) 339-8500

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glowing reviews

"We've worked with Walt for a couple of months now and have been impressed with his speed and quality of work... I definitely recommend for someone looking to expand their digital marketing footprint."

Nick Footer

Local business owner

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